
WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge

Every photo(s) for the most part tells a story, so here’s mine: My husband was driving us to our son’s college graduation in downtown LA this morning (think stop – start -crawl along -slowwww moving, honking traffic). I had my camera out and was trying to catch something unfocused for this challenge but was having no luck so I put my camera away. The traffic was annoying me (again, think Wyoming highways with extremely limited traffic vs. Los Angeles, California madness) so I grabbed my iPhone and started messing around again.

These are just close-up and out-of-focus shots of my very colorful and wildly printed top. I am sure I looked a little ridiculous taking pictures of my shirt while I was wearing it, but hey, you know the old clichΓ©, “Necessity is the mother of all invention….” Umm, I think that’s how the saying goes.

I did mess around a bit with the saturation ratio just for the heck of it.

Oh, and I could have waited as I have several unfocused shots of my son getting his diploma. I so so wish I was a better photographer.

May your day be blessed,

Becky Pickrel

Each week WordPress.com provides a theme for creative inspiration. The challenge is for me to upload my photos based on my interpretation of the theme and post them to my blog. If you want to see what some fellow bloggers are posting for their photo challenges, just click the links below.

48 Responses to “Unfocused”

  1. Anne Camille

    I like the images. Makes me wonder what the entire shirt looked like. And congrats on your son’s graduation.

    • woven decor

      Thank you Anne. It was a beautiful grad ceremony and I now officially have three graduated sons ( proud mom moment πŸ™‚

  2. Cheryl

    Love your interpretation of this week’s top. Maybe you should post a full size pic of your top … such dazzling colours and patters and I’m very curious!! Thanks for the pingback.

  3. watcholdmantime

    If you didn’t tell us it was your shirt, I would have guessed it was fabric samples for curtains or floor tiles.
    It also shows you dont need expensive cameras to create something different the i Phone works well.

  4. Rhianna

    Those photos don’t look at all like a fabric shirt! I was thinking stained glass window. Thanks for the ping back to my blog.

  5. fgassette

    I love your unfocused patterns. They are like abstract art. Good choice for challenge. Thank you for listing my blog in your post.



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